
About Pediatric : Pediatric physical therapy

Pediatric physical therapy
1. decline in physiological weight (physiological weight loss): newborns within a fewdays after birth, due to inadequate intake, meconium and water discharge, weight can be caused by a temporary decline. (3% ~ 9%, in 3 to 4 days after birth low, after rising 7 ~ 10th recovered to level at birth. )

2. child care (Child health care): is the study of growth and development of childrenand its influencing factors and take effective measures to protect and promote children's physical and mental health and social development of a discipline.

3. Immunization (planned immunization): is based on the principles of Immunology,immunization of children characteristics and monitoring of the epidemic situation ofinfectious diseases to develop immunization program, is planned and purposeful biological inoculation to infants and young children, to ensure that children have access to reliable ability to resist disease, so as to achieve the purpose of the prevention,control and eradication of infectious diseases. 4. separation anxiety (separation anxiety): refers to the actual or expected and family separation, daily contact with people, things, caused by depression or even function. The General performance of the 3stages: cyclophosphamide against second disappointing ③ denies.

5. dehydration: refers to the water intake or total loss caused by too much body fluid, particularly reductions in the extracellular fluid, in addition to water loss, a loss ofelectrolytes such as sodium and potassium.

6. sleep apnea breathing stops for 15-20 seconds, or less than 15 seconds, but accompanied by bradycardia < 100 beats/min, cyanosis of the mouth and limbs, muscletension declined and apnea.

7. Zn (zinc deficiency): refers to the body due to a chronic lack of appetite caused byzinc reduction, growth retardation, pica and dermatitis of the clinical manifestations.

8. Eisenmenger Syndrome: when significant pulmonary hypertension, from right to left shunt is clinically persistent cyanosis occurs. 、

9. physiological and anemia: rapid growth, factors such as blood volume increases, volume of red blood cells and hemoglobin decreased to 2-3 months, red cell count dropped to 3.0x1012/us l, hemoglobin down to 100g/us l about mild anemia.

10. nutritional iron deficiency anemia (iron deficiency anemia,IDA): due to iron deficiency due to reduced hemoglobin synthesis in the body of a microcytic anemia anemia.

11. nutritional megaloblastic anemia (nutritional megaloblastic anemia, NMA): vitamin B12 and/or a large cell anemia due to folic acid deficiency.

12. status epilepticus (status epilepticus) epileptic seizure lasting more than 30 minutes at a time, or repeated interictal period can not be restored for up to 30 minutesmore. Clinical common tonic-clonic status epilepticus, Pediatric emergencies.